World’s largest gravitational wave observatory squeezes light beyond the ‘quantum limit’

Scientists at the world’s largest gravitational wave observatory, recently tried the new technique of frequency-dependent squeezing, developed by researchers using the LIGO gravitational wave observatory where very weak signals are enhanced above quantum noise. Recent development has permitted pushing light past a critical quantum limit for the scientists working at the world’s largest gravitational wave … Read more

LHC Data Reveals Charm Meson’s Unique Ability to Switch from Matter to Antimatter

Scientists at the world’s largest atom smasher have discovered a weird subatomic particle which changes from matter to antimatter. The discovery might reveal how the universe was saved from being totally destroyed not long after it exploded into existence. Researchers at Oxford University reported the most probable investigation of the charm meson, a teeny particle … Read more

Researchers make sound waves travel in one direction only, with implications for electromagnetic wave technology

It has been possible for sound waves to move just in one direction thanks to research at ETH Zurich. This technique may find value in technological electromagnetic wave applications in the future. Waves of water, light, and sound typically go forward and backward in the same manner. Consequently, both we and the person we are … Read more

Quantum researchers cause controlled ‘wobble’ in the nucleus of a single atom

Quantum researchers cause controlled ‘wobble’ in the nucleus of a single atom Scientists of Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have managed to trigger a controlled movement right in the middle of an atom. They have caused an interaction between the atomic nucleus and one of the electrons in the outermost shells of the … Read more